3 Finished Rooms
April 29, 2008

Well, almost finished that is... The living room, and two downstairs bedrooms (or bedroom and den) are finished except for replacing the front door and refinishing the furnace return air covers. We think the rooms came out looking nice and are happy to finally have this portion of the house done and ready to move furniture in for good. So here are a few pictures of the finished rooms.

The living room.

Another angle with more of the refinished hardwood floor.

And a better look at the front window.

The other half of the living room. The new front door is on order and will be here soon.

Looking down the hall from the living room into the den. And one
of the furnace air returns that needs a vent cover.

One end of the den.

And the other end.

More of the refinished floor in the den.

The master bedroom.

And another view.